
“Education is the manifestation of the perfection already in man”. Therefore the only duty of the teacher is to remove all obstructions from the way. Hands off! as I always say, and everything will be right.
- Swami Vivekananda

It is with great pleasure that I welcome you to our VPS website.

I take immense pride in being the Principal of Vikas Public School, Talikoti, dedicated to excellence in student learning and holistic development. Our prime objective is to nurture confident, creative, caring, curious, and joyful learners.

I believe in the philosophy that the true test of successful education is not the amount of knowledge a student takes away from school, but their appetite for knowledge and their capacity to learn. It disheartens me to see many students leave school with their appetite for learning diminished and their minds burdened with undigested information. I am pleased to see that the teaching and learning transactions at our school are focused on making learning fun and meaningful, helping our students integrate learning into their lives seamlessly. Our pedagogical approach has shifted from content mastery to competency mastery, emphasizing project-based and experiential learning as central to our educational strategy.

As the head of the organization, I am committed to upholding high standards with an unwavering dedication to understanding and improving the educational process through team strategies focused on student achievement. We recognize that our responsibility extends beyond academic excellence to preparing our students for life. Therefore, we have integrated art and other co-curricular activities into our curriculum, along with life skills. Our school aims to provide global education while being deeply rooted in the rich Indian educational tradition and core values. Parental involvement in a child's education process is both a gift to your child and to the school. This partnership is strongly encouraged and highly valued at our school. I can say that we are not just a school, but ‘an experience’ that every learner would aspire to undergo in their learning journey.

Welcome to this experience! Welcome to Vikas Public School, Talikoti! I want parents to know that my door is always open for any discussions about concerns, questions, or ideas you may have regarding your child's education. I warmly welcome you all to an outstanding learning community dedicated to a high standard of excellence.

As you navigate through our site and discover what we have to offer, you will find answers to many preliminary questions you may have about our school, our academic program, and student life.

Principal Vikas Public School, Talikoti